There has been some derision and sniggering at the recent announcement by Westminster City Council that it is to cease using the term BAME and instead adopt the term ‘Global Majority’.

Of the council, Stuart Love, the chief executive, said: ’We have a relentless focus to become an anti-racist organisation and we want to be a council and a city where everyone from any background has the same opportunity to thrive and grow.’

As the politically correct fuss over which term to use next, ‘Global Majority’ has been around for some time. Westminster City Council has not invented anything new or exercised any freedom of thought. Wikipedia states: ‘Global majority is a collective term for ethnic groups which constitute approximately 80 per cent of the global population. It has been used as an alternative to terms which are seen as highly racialized like “ethnic minority,” “visible minority,” and “Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic” (BAME).’

A description for the book Educational Leadership and the Global Majority states: ‘This book introduces a term for our times, ‘Global Majority,’ as conceptualised within the context of school leadership. It examines the processes and impact over time of racially-minoritising up to eighty-five percent of the world’s population. The chapters illustrate how a decolonised cognitive reset from a minority to majority orientation moves practice from a place of subordination to one of agency and efficacy. By reconnecting the people of the Global Majority with their narratives and the social and historical linkages that they have always had, the book potentially contributes to a different globality; where interdependence is not driven by the economic greed of the minority, but the social and very human needs of the majority.’

The Borgen Project organisation has the following mission statement: ‘The Borgen Project believes that leaders of the most powerful nation on earth should be doing more to address global poverty. We’re the innovative, national campaign that is working to make poverty a focus of U.S. foreign policy.’ It uses a variant term, ‘Majority World’, which it defines thus: ‘The term “Majority World” is often used to remind the West that these countries outnumber them. Majority World refers to countries where most of the population resides. On the other hand, the Minority World are the nations more commonly considered “developed” where a small percentage of the earth’s population lives.’

This latest politically-correct word game in the UK should be taken more seriously. It is dangerous. There is no pretence that the non-White, immigrant communities should be encouraged to assimilate. Far from it, they are encouraged to regard themselves as victims, yet again, and to consider themselves beyond democracy. As an oppressed majority, they are entitled to their own way. It places the White population, in particular the English, as being a minority in possession of most of the wealth – similar to the Rhodesians or Afrikaners in Southern Africa, or the bourgeoisie oppressing the poverty-stricken working class.

Third World immigration into the UK is at unprecedented levels and is out of control. Around 80 per cent of non-Whites vote Left wing (this applies across the West). London is now a minority English city where the Labour Party, under the Marxist Jeremy Corbyn, did well in the last general election. The dominant ideology on race is Marxist.

A good example in the UK is Kehinde Andrews, who is a favourite on television (see Multiculturalist Ideology (Part One), Second Edition: Race War Politics and the Rise of the Anti-Whites). He is described as: ‘Associate Professor in Sociology at the School of Social Sciences at Birmingham City University and developed the Europe’s first Black Studies undergraduate degree. He is also director of the Centre of Critical Research, founder of the Harambee Organization of Black Unity, and co-chair of the Black Studies Association.’ In other words he is a communist, and is funded as a part of the university sector. No doubt he receives other monies for his writing and research projects as well. In addition, he has been the recipient of yet more government funding – from the foreign aid budget!

In his book, The New Age of Empire, Andrews wrote: ‘Revolution is possible, but we have to accept that it will not come from those who benefit from Western imperialism. There are centuries-long traditions of radical politics emerging from the oppressed. The bulk of my work is about developing the politics of Black radicalism, which centres on uniting Africa and the African diaspora to create a true revolution, which remains the only solution to the problem of racism.’

Another example of the looming danger showed itself in August 2020, when a Black militia, donning stab vests and a black uniform, calling itself the Forever Family Force (FF Force), marched through Brixton, London. The march marked ‘Afrikan Emancipation Day’ and the 186th anniversary of the Abolition of Slavery Act. The FF Force called for an All-Party Parliamentary Commission for Truth and Reparatory Justice.

In addition to the vast sums flowing out of the UK in foreign aid, even at a time of economic difficulties, the demands for slave and, now, climate reparations grow ever more ambitious. Recently, Barbados has threatened both a Tory MP, Richard Drax and the Royal Family. Barbados removed Queen Elizabeth as its head of state in 2021 and is now a republic.

The chairman of Barbados National Task Force on Reparations, Barbados MP Trevor Prescod, told The Observer: ‘If the issue cannot be resolved we would take legal action in the international courts. The case against the Drax family would be for hundreds of years of slavery, so it’s likely any damages would go well beyond the value of the [family’s] land.’ David Comissiong, the Barbados ambassador to Caricom (Caribbean Community) said: ‘The reparations journey has begun. The matter is now for the cabinet of Barbados. It is in motion. It is being dealt with.’

Of slave reparations, Andrews wrote: ‘Various calculations have been done based on damages and loss of earnings to arrive at an estimate of just how much the West owes. For the Caribbean alone, one estimate back in 2005 was $7.5 trillion. In the United States the estimates range from $3 to $14 trillion. What is clear from these figures is that if we were able to calculate a figure owed it would be so large that it would be impossible for the West to pay.’ Reparations are a means to destroy the West.

For the reasons detailed in The Hegemony of Political Correctness: and the rise of the woke-Right, this ‘Global Majority’ terminology is likely to be adopted. It has serious ramifications and the move is dangerous.