Collins English Dictionary: ‘nativism: the policy of favouring the natives of a country over the immigrants.’

The opposite of nativism is so-called civic nationalism (aka constitutional patriotism) as defined by the Marxists of the Frankfurt School. With this, the state owes no loyalty to the core nation at all. Even the nation’s culture is to be removed from state institutions. The supposed decolonisation of the school and university curriculums is a part of this.

Regarding the illegal immigrant ‘invasion’ across the English Channel, Suella Braverman knows full well that the deal she recently struck with France is useless. During her bid for the Tory leadership, she wrote:

‘Sir Robert Buckland describes leaving the ECHR as “using a political sledgehammer to crack a legal nut”. Unfortunately, this does not take account of what is “seen” and “unseen” (to borrow from Frédéric Bastiat). What was seen is that a handful of individuals were ready to be flown out, only to be blocked by domestic injunctions relying on the Strasbourg ruling. What is unseen is the hundreds of economic migrants that were discounted before that. This and other examples, like the blocked deportations of violent foreign offenders, demonstrate this “dynamic” element. The Strasbourg court took a Convention designed to prevent the likes of the Shoah [holocaust] and turned it into something that applies much more broadly … At present we don’t have clear legal powers within the Nationality and Borders Act to act contrary to the ECHR … It would be clear to anyone that our Rwanda policy had no hope of actually deporting anyone, and the number of illegal migrants would grow. We would be incapable of meeting our 2019 manifesto promise to “take control of our borders”. To fulfil that promise, we need to leave the ECHR, and retain the Human Rights Act, as strengthened in Dominic Raab’s British Bill of Rights’ (see here).

Shortly before being reappointed as Home Secretary by Rishi Sunak, Braverman modified her stance. She wrote: ‘We need to provide leadership, stability and confidence to the British people … We cannot indulge in parochial or nativist fantasies.’

Suella Braverman has sold out. The Tories will do little more than spout politically-correct slogans and introduce token gestures in response to the illegal immigrant invasion. Regarding legal immigration, the borders are wide open.