‘But make no mistake, whether spurred by revolution or tipped into collapse under its own weight, the West will eventually fall. Malcolm [X] was right when he warned that it will be “the ballot or the bullet, liberty or death, freedom for everybody or freedom for nobody”.’ So writes a prominent multiculturalist.

From the dreams of a ‘multicultural post-nation’ of 20 years ago, to the reality of ‘revolution’ now. This book sets out the extent to which the cultural Marxists have upped the ante in the guise of multiculturalism, and the evil and falsity of their agenda.

‘Reparations are due, and tearing down Western capitalism is an utter necessity if we are serious about ending racism. But to realize the revolutionary politics necessary for this transformation we first need to recognize that the West can never pay full reparations for slavery without destroying itself.’

This Second Edition gives a Conservative response to multiculturalism and what it has become.

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